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On the Road to Babadag Page 24

  P.'s joke "... Shell, so we might be close" points to the sound similarity of Shell and Szela; the name in Polish is pronounced shella.

  Quotations and facts about Jakub Szela are taken from Adam Bogusz, Wieś Siedliska Bogusz (Kraków, 1903).


  The motto in the church in Roşia is from a German hymn based on Revelation 2:10: "Be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life."

  Siebenbürgen, "seven fortresses," is the German name for Transylvania.


  The quotation of Emil Cioran is from his History and Utopia. The quotation about devils and suicide is from Drago Janč ar's Mocking Desires. These, and the one from Edvard Kocbek, are translated into English here not from their originals—from Romanian or Slovenian—but from the Polish edition of this book. (The Polish for Cioran was provided by Marek Bieńczyk; for Jančar, by Joanna Pomorska; for Kocbek, by Jerzy Snopek.)


  The 600,000 paranoid bunkers were built during the regime of Enver Hoxha, who ruled the country from 1944 to 1985.

  The quotation on page 107 comes from Fatos Lubonja, Piramidy z błota.


  The Georgian ruler is Stalin.

  The Slaughter of Praga: in 1794, the Russian army under Suvorov captured Warsaw. Winning the battle, his troops, against orders, went on a rampage and killed 20,000 of the inhabitants of Praga, a district of the city.

  Sheriff: a company that controls many businesses in Transnistria and is also involved in its politics. It has connections, political and personal, with President Igor Smirnov.


  As a result of the Treaty of Trianon after World War I, the borders of Hungary were redrawn. Hungary lost ten cities and about a third of its inhabitants.

  Jo napot means "hello."

  Okęcie: the official checking passports is at the major Polish airport outside Warsaw.

  "To sum up ...": The quotation is from Mircea Eliade's "Romania: A Historical Sketch." A caution to the reader, for this quotation and for others in which the English is twice removed from the original language. Eliade's Romanian was translated into Polish by Anna Kazmierczak, and from her Polish into this English. The stylistic-semantic drift inevitable in any literary translation is no doubt considerable here, having passed through two consecutive translators.

  U lukomorya ... is the opening of Pushkin's Ruslan i Lyudmila, a Russian classic, an epic poem in fairy-tale style.

  The creator of Hair was Milos Forman. His Czech first name, Miloš, and the Polish poet- philosopher's last name, Miłosz, are close in sound.

  "Dyzio the Dreamer" is a humorous poem for children by Julian Tuwim. Dyzio wishes the whole world were ice cream and cake.

  "There was no shade ...": A quotation from Miodrag Bulatović's "Red Rooster Flies Straight Up into the Sky." The Serbian original was translated into Polish by Maria Krukowska.

  Bohdan Khmelnytsky was a Cossack leader; the seventeenth-century Khmelnytsky Uprising in Ukraine became emblematic in history of savage massacre (Poles and Jews were its victims). Jan Sobieski, a seventeenth-century king of Poland, was famous for a victory over the Ottoman Turks in the Battle of Vienna, which many believed saved Europe.

  The Puszta: the Hungarian Plains, an emblem of Hungarian tradition and culture. The Hungarian word puszta, meaning "bare," "uninhabited," derives from the Slavic word for "empty" (e.g., in Polish, pusty).

  "He stood on the edge...": the Kiš passage in Polish is Danuta Cirlic- Straszynska's translation from the Serbian.

  "Wars were won ..." and "Love is the key ...": the Codreanu quotations come from the journal Fronda (6/1996), translated into Polish by Bogdan Koziel.

  "They are coming!" and "Their faces, almost all bearded ..." are from Peter Esterhá zy's Transporters, translated from the Hungarian into Polish by Elżbieta Sobolewska.